
Sort By: Business NameUser registration dateDate postedDate last modified
Adam Pollack
Business Name: Adam Pollack
Long Business Description:

Emily Klinefelter, Katy Klinefelter

Business Phone Number: 319-338-1633
City/Country: Iowa City, Iowa

Adrienne Dean
Business Name: Adrienne Dean
Business Phone Number: 863-635-5941
Business Tags: , ,
City/Country: 810 terranova rd

Alma Canez
Business Name: In association with Estrella Promotions
Business Genre: , ,
Long Business Description:

I am a recent boxing promoter to the state of Arizona. Our first show was held on November 22, 2010 our next one is schedule for Friday September 2, 2011 at “El Zaribah Shiner” at 7:00 p.m.

Business Phone Number: 480-430-3623
Business Tags:
City/Country: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Alton Smith
Business Name: Marrick Entertainment
Business Phone Number: 720-434-1115
Business Tags: ,
City/Country: Denver, Colorado

Andile Sidinile
Business Name: Sijuta Promotions
Long Business Description:

I am promoting Noni Tenge and Unathi Myekeni; these are Female former World Champions. Also managing affairs of Zolani Tete; MacBute Sinyabi; two World rated fighters in the Super Flyweight and Super Bantam respectively. Willing to receive offers and proposals from promoters around the world.

Business Phone Number: +27 82 0406211
Business Tags: ,
City/Country: East London, South Africa

Angelo Di Carlo
Business Name: Ace Boxing Promotions
Business Genre:
Business Website Address:
Business Phone Number: 07 3901 6353
Business Tags:
City/Country: Queensland, Australia

Angelo Di Carlo
Business Name: Ace Boxing Promotions
Business Genre: , ,
Business Phone Number: 07 3901 6353
Business Tags:
City/Country: Queensland, Australia

Antonin Novak
Business Name: Czech Present Promotion
Business Genre: , ,
Business Phone Number: +420 5 4524 2354
Business Tags:
City/Country: Czech Republic, Europe

Antonin Novak
Business Name: Czech Present Promotion
Business Genre: ,
Business Phone Number: +420 5 4524 2354
Business Tags:
City/Country: Czech Republic, Europe

Arnie Rosenthal
Business Name: A Ring Of Their Own
Business Genre: , ,
Business Phone Number: 919-370-7353
Business Tags:
City/Country: Chapel Hill, N.C.